
CoolxDad + Faherty

Featuring Carlos Carrillo
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CoolxDad + Faherty

Meet Carlos - Father of 2, Barber, Entrepreneur


We are excited to partner with an amazing brand called Faherty. In partnership for Father’s Day, CoolxDad has launched a month-long campaign highlighting fathers from our community, styled in Faherty.

Like CoolxDad's focus on family, Faherty is a family-run business fueled by purpose and optimism. Meet Carlos and his 2 sons; Julian and Luca.

Head over to their site now and check out Carlos's look - a portion of proceeds from their Gift Guide will go towards supporting our mission.

Photos by William Issac

Can you give us some background on who you are and what you do?

I’m the owner (and barber) of The Argyle League Barbershop in Houston, TX, father of two boys (Luca and Julian), and a husband to my wife Lauren.

What inspires you and what are your passions?

I love helping people — I'm at my best when I’m of service. My goal is to help people be better than they were before having met me. My barber’s chair is a place where Magic happens. It could be as simple as giving a good haircut to having an in-depth conversation that helps gain a new perspective in life. Either way, you’re leaving a better version of yourself than you came in!

How many kids do you have?

Two — Julian Xavier Carrillo and Luca Gael Carrillo.

What attracted you to the CoolxDad mission?

I think CoolxDad is an amazing concept and needed now more than ever. Most men tend to forget the importance of community and brotherhood. CoolxDad is providing a place for men to learn and grow together in fatherhood. To learn from each other’s examples. Fatherhood is the most important work that we as men will ever have to do. The more positive reinforcement, the better.

What do you consider your job as a dad?

My job as a dad is to do everything in my power to raise considerate, rational, strong men who will make the world a better place.

Top underrated — but totally necessary — dad skill?

Communication. Gaining your children’s trust (in my opinion) is the most important thing in your relationship with them. You gain trust by listening, not talking. Once you’ve opened clear lines of communication with your children and they trust you, they’re primed to receive any wisdom you may have to pass down.

Any silver linings this past year?

Rediscovery. In the quarantine, specifically. Being a business owner and father tends to take up most of my headspace — being forced to shut down the shop and stay home for 30 days was one of the hardest things I thought I would ever have to do. There was so much uncertainty...little did I know that the quarantine would give me the opportunity to fall in love with my wife all over again. We spent every day with each other, and I began to learn all about her again.

IG @carlosxcarrillo